Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Layout at a Glance: Map 1

Here is the first possible plan for the future Ponderosa Lines, using AnyRail track-planning software (see map below). Everything is to scale, including the house, track, and dimensions of the yard (edge of the visible map). Each grid square is 1 sq. ft. The small yard and reverse loop near the deck are scheduled for construction during summer, 2010. Who knows what will happen after that! This is the dream plan!

Layout at a Glance:
  • Minimum curve radius, main line: 5 feet
  • Minimum curve radius, yard loops: 2 feet
  • Track: Aristocraft G-scale brass, European ties
  • Power: Battery and remote control. DC track power at termini for switchers.
  • Roadbed: trenched with "quarter-minus" bed with ballast on top.
  • Maximum grade: Apparently will be around 3%.
  • Layout concept: 3-foot narrow gauge, contemporary steam tourist line, point-to-point operations (possible continuous-run loop connector eventually).
Draft Layout Map (click for full-size image):

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