Monday, August 13, 2012

Railfan Day sees New Trestles and....Rabbits!

Photo crews joined railroad crews on Sunday to unveil the newest additions to the Lines: three trestles that improve visual interest and drainage in this monsoon-prone region. Equipment from the nearby Rabbit Valley Railroad joined in the celebration, with free rides offered to anything with long ears. Only a few mishaps were recorded on this day, including a box car rollover and an apparent gondola crime scene, still under investigation by the railroad police. The photos will tell the rest of the story. Enjoy the new Ponderosa Lines, summer 2012 edition - the Old Bridge Route.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

New Bypass to Reduce Steepest Grade

The first section of new trackage
(curved track section indicates original route)
After a lengthy (15 minute) deliberation with Linda and her Dad earlier today, track crews (me) decided to undertake a new main-line track project that would involve shutting down the PLR for a few days to a week. Although Twin Pines is one of the more intriguing places on the railroad, where the railroad cuts between two young trees, it involves the steepest grade on the line from both directions. A new bypass was thus planned, followed by an evening of new construction Sunday evening. Not only should the grades be reduced, but the main line itself will be lengthened as the route is expanded to parallel the track in the back corner of the yard (not my first choice, but it should allow the advantage of watching trains pass each other). Photos included here show the progress as of the last daylight. Some rock "dynamiting" and "cut and fill" will be necessary projects in the next few nights, as well as a run to Dewey to secure some new track.